Welcome to Sankalpa Women's Collective:

🌿 Empower Your Business, Enrich Your Well-being 💖

Dear Beautiful Goddess Visionary,

Welcome to your new beginning—at Sankalpa Women’s Collective, a sanctuary where ambitious women entrepreneurs reconnect with their inner power through a journey of mindful business growth and transformative self-discovery. Rooted in the wisdom of nature and the strength of sisterhood, we provide a nurturing space for you to flourish.

Our Mission: Thrive with Purpose

At Sankalpa, we believe success encompasses much more than professional achievements. It's about thriving in your business while maintaining your well-being, vitality, and joy. With a deep respect for Ayurvedic principles, community support, and healing practices, Sankalpa guides you in aligning your business vision with your soul’s purpose. We help you cultivate a business that thrives in alignment with your deepest truths and desires. Our commitment is to sustain an energizing and fulfilling voyage, steering clear of burnout and embracing comprehensive fulfillment.

Discover Your Sacred Ecosystem

💼🌟 Entrepreneurship Tailored for You: Navigate the business world with grace and ease, using strategies designed for women, by women in the alternative health field.

🌿🌼 Holistic Well-being Empowerment: Integrate body, mind, and spirit with bespoke Ayurveda and wellness coaching, enhancing your resilience and vitality on this entrepreneurial journey.

🔮✨ Guidance for the Soul and Business: Deepen your understanding and clarity with Soul Tarot and Oracle readings, specifically aimed at illuminating your business and life path.

👭🌕 Nurturing Women’s Circles and Sessions: Forge deep connections within a supportive community, unlocking your creative and entrepreneurial potential through the power of feminine alchemy.

Our Core Values Reimagined for You

đź‘­ Community: A network of support, connections, and collective empowerment for women making their mark in the world of alternative health businesses.

❤️ Compassion: Understanding and empathy underpin every interaction, recognizing the unique journey each woman undertakes.

🔄🌿 Cyclic Nature: Celebrating the natural rhythms of life and entrepreneurship, we guide you in aligning your business and life practices with these cycles for sustainable success.

Join Our Circle and Transform

Embark on a transformative journey with us—nurturing not just a thriving business, but a life rich with passion, purpose, and balance. Together, we rise—empowered, balanced, and authentically ourselves. At Sankalpa Women’s Collective, we cultivate more than success; we nurture wellness, wisdom, and the power of united women.

With love and light,

Marni Beninger and the Sankalpa Team

“When women unite, we spark transformative change—nurturing not just our lives but enriching the world around us with our visions and actions.”

Join Us in Empowerment Through Giving 🌿💖

At Sankalpa Women's Collective, our journey is not solely about individual transformation but also about extending our impact far beyond our immediate circle. With every product or service you choose, you're not just embracing your path of growth and wellness; you're also contributing to a greater cause. 5% of all our sales is dedicated to empowering communities, healing our planet, and nurturing lives.

This pledge is our bond with you, as we walk together in nurturing not only our dreams but also in making the world a better place. Your choice supports our initiatives in women's empowerment, environmental conservation, and animal welfare, among other causes close to our heart. Together, we're creating ripples of change.

By choosing Sankalpa Women's Collective, you're investing in a brighter future for all.

Thank you for being a vital part of this movement. Together, we thrive.

Subscribe to our 'The Entrepreneurial Goddess Guide'

Subscribe to our 'The Entrepreneurial Goddess Guide'